This Rampant Lion Weathervane is located on the property of the Liberty Presbyterian Church located in Liberty Township in Powell, Ohio along with three other weathervanes.

ramp-ant [Â ram-puh nt]
Heraldry. (of a beast used as a charge) represented in profile facing the dexter side, with the body upraised and resting on the left hind leg, the tail and other legs elevated, the right foreleg highest, and the head in profile unless otherwise specified:Â a lion rampant.
see wikipedia: The Royal Standard of Scotland
Liberty Presbyterian Church located in Liberty Township in Powell, Ohio was founded in 1810. This angel weathervane is one of four weathervanes on the site.

In 1810, eight members of the Thomas & Sarah Cellar extended family, plus Leonard Monroe, organized Liberty Presbyterian Church. For its first 26 years, Liberty shared a pastor and Session with the Presbyterian congregations in Delaware and Radnor.
In 1820, Thomas’ sons George and John built the wood-frame meeting house that is still used as our chapel (it is the oldest continuously-used worship building in Delaware County), situated beside the settlers’ cemetery.
Celebrating the wonderful and sometimes whimsical world of weathervanes and whirligigs!